The names and pictures of an estimated 150 million Facebook
members were used in Sponsored Stories, but only those who responded to
an email from the site earlier this year will be compensated.
Privacy organisations will also receive some of the $20m (£12.9m) settlement.
Facebook said it was "pleased" the settlement had been approved.
The payout was approved by a US court on Monday following a class action filed against Facebook in 2011 by five of its users.
The group said their details had been used to promote
products and services through the site's Sponsored Stories programme,
without paying them or giving them the choice to opt-out.
A Sponsored Story is a tailored advertisement that appears on
members' Facebook pages, highlighting products a user's friends have
endorsed or "liked" on the site.
No 'meaningful' harm
US District Judge Richard Seeborg acknowledged that the $15
payments were relatively small, but said it had not been established
that Facebook had "undisputedly violated the law".
He added that the claimants could not prove they were "harmed in any meaningful way".
The court estimated that Facebook had made about $73m (£47m)
in profit from the Sponsored Stories featuring details of the 150
million members.
The settlement also requires Facebook to make changes to its
"Statement of Rights" and to give users more information and control
over how their details are used in the future.
This move was estimated by the plaintiff's lawyers to cost Facebook $145m in advertising revenue.
Approximately 7,000 Facebook users opted out of the
settlement altogether, allowing them to bring their own legal action
against the social network.
A Facebook spokesperson said: "We are pleased that the settlement has received final approval."
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